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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Marathon Training Week 2

Marathon Training - Week 2
Location: Dutchess County Rail Trail
Distance: 12.5 Miles
Time: 2:01:04
Pace: 9:41
Calories Burned: 1530
Heart Rate (Avg/Max/Min): 151/168/77
Weather: Sunny | 94 w/ 41% Humidity

Pre-Run: 2 Generic Tums | Saltstick Caps Plus | Accel Gel Raspberry Cream
During Run: Saltstick Caps Plus | PowerBar Gel Raspberry Cream | Water

Run Details
I did not feel great before this run. My stomach was giving me some issues. Luckily it didn't affect me too much during the run. The first 6 miles out were pretty good kept a pretty good pace for a training run and kept the heart rate at a good place. I then walked .25 miles to hit the bathroom. On the way back I took my other Saltstick cap and my other gel. Started the run back and around 11 miles started to feel cold. I knew since it was over 90 this wasn't a good feeling. It was at this point I realized I did a bad job of preparing for this run. I had plenty of water for the run but had only eaten about 2000 calories and at 11 miles had already burned about 1300 on the run. I could definitely tell my body was telling me to slow down. So for the last 1.5 miles I alternated between walking and jogging. Lesson learned to prepare better by eating more before these long runs. I also ran out of water towards the end which is crazy since I had filled my 72oz Camelback. My feet were definitely hurting at the end of the run as well...probably over did it running the last 4 days for a total of 23 miles.

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