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Friday, July 20, 2012

07/19/2012 - 10th Annual Gardiner 5K Classic

Race Date: Thursday July 19th, 2012
Race Name: 10th Annual Gardiner 5K Classic
Race Price: $22
Race Description: Scenic with rolling hills
Race Location: Majestic Park, Murphy Lane, Gardiner, NY
Race Distance: 5K (3.15 miles)
Distance Traveled: 22.8 miles

Race Time: 6:30pm
Weather: 80's & Mostly Cloudy

Swag: Kiss My Face Moisturizing Soap (I was not 1 of the first 100 to register so I didn't get a shirt :( )
Food & Drink: Water | Soda | Hamburgers | Hot Dogs | Watermelon | Cookies | Chips | Ice Pops
Number of Participants: 328

My Results
Time: 21:24.1
Pace: 6:54
Place: 20 of 328
Men: 19 of 156
Men (Age 30-39): 3 of 24
Prize: Yellow Bag :P

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Generic Tums
               Salt Stick Pill
               Accel Gel Raspberry Cream
               Water (@20oz)

During-Run: N/A

This was a much nicer day weatherwise compared to how hot & humid it has been as of late. Got to the race site around 5:30 and checked in. I am always disappointed when I don't get a shirt at an event but this time it was probably my own fault since I forgot to send in my early registration. Luckily someone let me take a picture of their shirt to keep the style I normally use in my results pictures. Everyone also received a pretty sizable bottle of Kiss My Face Moisturizing Soap...not expected but, hey, it was free! I was surprised with how many people ended up showing up for this race.

The start of the race was pretty hectic. No one knew where the start line was and when it came close to starting time everyone had to get behind these 2 posts which was not a wide starting area. One of my biggest pet peeves in races is when slow people are at the front of the starting line. I could spot a ton of these people mostly standing in front of me or on the side. Luckily once the start happened there was room on the left to fly past the first group of slow people. I would say I was at a pretty good place after about 100 yards.

The course started out on regular paved roads for about the first 1.5 miles and then turned onto a rial trail which was mostly dirt, gravel & grass. I was moving pretty good for the first part but could definitely feel a hit to my speed once I hit the trail. The last .5 miles was back on the roads. Right at the end someone started to pass me but with a little hill I knew I could push it to my max and finish out strong, which I did. They had water available in a few spots on the course but I didn't feel the need to take any.
Overall pretty happy with my time considering how slow I have felt lately. Hopefully this is a sign of my speed picking up again. Of course it could have been that the weather wasn't as hot as it has been either. I was disappointed I didn't get a shirt but, since I got the picture, I didn't really need it. It was a nice race with great attendance. I didn't eat any of the food but I'm sure it was good.

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