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Saturday, July 21, 2012

07/21/2012 - Rebel Race 15K

Race Date: Saturday July 21st, 2012
Race Name: 2012 Rebel Race: New York 15K Mud Run
Race Price: $95
Race Description: Obstacle Race
Race Location: Cousins Paintball, New Windsor, NY  
Race Distance: 15K (3x 5K)
Distance Traveled: 16 miles

Race Time: 2:30pm
Weather: Low 80's & Mostly Sunny

Swag: Rebel Race Shirt | Rebel Race Bag | Finisher Medal | Free Beer
Food & Drink: Water | Beer | Food
Number of Participants: 176
Results: Here

My Results
Time: 1:44:26
Pace: 11:12
Place: 14 of 176
Men: 12 of 127
Men (Age 30-39): 2 of 39

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Generic Tums
                 Accel Gel Raspberry Cream
                 Tbsp Chia Seeds
                 1.5 Servings N.O. Xplode 2.0

During-Run: Water

Arrived at the race location around 1. I was surprised at how many cars there were. I've raced 3 other races at this same location and never seen so many cars. They also offered camping for some reason...must be part of the experience. The course was laid out different from other times I've raced this location. I signed up for the 15K which was just running the 5K course three times.

After paying the usual, for this location, $10 parking fee I was parked in a field not far from the main location. Luckily I didn't get put into the far parking lot which was across the street and somewhat of a hike if you had parked there. There was a ton of people in the main area. The had a bunch of different tents...the usual registration & bag check tents followed by a place to buy "tickets" which were used to purchase food and drink. I didn't buy anything so not sure how bad the prices were for food. They also had a band, a dunk tank & a mechanical bull. There seemed to be plenty of bathrooms and they had changing areas for both men & women. They had the regular showers which were crowded when I was finished with my run so I didn't use them. Something worrisome was right in the middle of the main area was a area that had warning tape around it where there was a bees nest. Seemed pretty odd they didn't take care of it before the event.

I picked up my bib, shirt & bag and wandered around the site checking things out and taking some pictures. I did notice there were some pretty long lines at some of the obstacles. I can't stand waiting at obstacles so this was worrisome.

Ran into a few people I've met at other obstacle races and everyone seemed to be having a pretty good time. Checked my bag and started to prepare for race time.

The start of the race was up the hill from where I've started before. They had an announcer guy who had some pretty crazy nose piercing which I should have got a picture of. The race bibs had these strange foam type chips. The starting gate had these square shaped panels at the top which I guess registered your chip. The announcer guy kept making everyone back up since I guess your chip could get set off prematurely. When I was roaming around originally I guess I got too close and thought I may have set off my the end it wasn't a problem. Overall the guy was kind of annoying...nothing like the MC's they have at the Spartan Races.

Luckily I was at the front of the pack when the race started. First obstacle was a pretty destroyed hay bale pyramid followed by a tough little uphill section. A short stint in the woods and you hit a long straight away where you had to do a strange side step for a bit and got sprayed with water guns. Next up was the monkey bars which I failed this time through and was told to do 30 Burpees...something only the 15K had to do. Have I mentioned how much I hate burpees? Next up you had to run backwards up a hill. Back into the woods and hit a backup at the spiderweb obstacle, they had rope spread across several trees and this was actually kinda tough when I had to do it the 2nd and 3rd time through, but luckily they let us go around the obstacle to avoid the backup. More running in the woods...

Things get a bit fuzzy as to what came next so i'll just go on to explain some other obstacles. They had a few ladder type obstacles which were pretty easy, although at one point one was pretty backed up so me and another 15Ker decided to run by it. A few wall climbs which luckily had blocks to help you over on one side but the other side was flat...this was actually pretty dangerous and surprised people didn't get hurt. It was a pretty far drop down if you didn't do it right. They had a water slide which seemed to be malfunctioning more than it was working and had a ton of rocks under it. I slid down the first time but the next 2 times I walked down. At the bottom was a deep mud pit, probably chest deep, and was really gross. After that short muddy run to some plastic tunnels. A mud hill to run up and some over / under obstacles in water. There were 2 sections where you had to go on your hands & knees, one through mud and the other through muddy water. I'm sure tons of people lost their shoes in the mud part cause it was pretty thick. There was a large hay bale pyramid, a log pyramid, a small fire jump & a cargo net climb all which were extremely easy. They also had a section where you were supposed to do 10 pushups | 10 situps | 10 leg lifts. For round 2 the pushups were changed to burpees. For round 3 you had to do a 45 second plank and 5 pushups. The final section before the end of the race was a rope hanging across the pond where you were supposed to cling on and pull yourself across. This was backed up for the entire event and I didn't even try it, luckily they had a way across where you just went through the water. I forgot to mention the worst part of the race...the fire drill! You had to stop, drop and roll down a hill. Now I know this doesn't sound very tough but I have never felt so sick in any run I have ever done. You don't realize how dizzy you get when rolling down a hill. Each time I did it I felt sick and dizzy.

I actually finished slower than I would have thought. I'm not sure why it took so long but I was moving at a pretty steady pace the entire time. The obstacles themselves were nothing great and having to wait at obstacles is never fun. Luckily I was able to avoid that in most cases. Since I don't drink beer I gave away my free one to someone else and I can't comment on the food since I didn't have any. I will say they did a good job with water on the course. Probably not worth the cost but I'm an addict so I would probably do it again. Out of the 4 races I've now done at this location this was probably the worst and most likely because it was more crowded.

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