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* Next Race: 08/03/2013 - NJ Warrior Dash (Info)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

2013 Fall FatBet

My friend Danielle has been doing a FatBet a few times in 2013. The goal is to lose 5% of your body weight in 90 days. I joined the original one and didn't even come close. I skipped out on the 2nd one because I wasn't ready. She recently decided to do a 3rd one and it's time for me to refocus and get back to a lower/healthier weight.

I'm not only doing the 5% goal but have other goals as well for this 90 days. I plan to diet, do another round of P90x, stop drinking diet soda and break myself of my caffeine addiction. I know this is a lot but, if you know me, I am either all on or all off. I'm going cold turkey on most things except for the caffeine. I'm going to ween myself off it during the next 3 weeks reducing my daily intake by half each week for 3 weeks.

Today was my first day and I started out strong. I did P90x Chest & Back and felt pretty good during. In the past when I've gotten back to P90x the first workout usually makes me sick but I felt good throughout. Breakfast consisted of a smoothie with chocolate milk, peanuts, a banana, frozen blueberries and protein powder.

There isn't much to eat in the house that is healthy so I need to go to Adams and pick up some food I can eat. I ended up eating cherries and muenster cheese for lunch because I couldn't really find much else. I got pretty hungry around 3 but have been able to stick it out so far. Up to about 15 glasses of water at that time as well.

Went to Adams and picked up a bunch of fruits, vegetables and stuff to make chicken salad. The chicken salad definitely didn't come out as good as the one from Adams but I don't know how many calories are in Adams chicken salad.

I'm also making this for dinner. I'm not planning on frying it so it may not comes out as good as it would have but it saves a lot of calories. The whole recipe came out to be about 560 calories.

Here's a couple pictures of my "pancakes"

They actually tasted pretty good. Mendy enjoyed them as well.

Here's a link to my food diary on MyFitnessPal -

Anyway, I'm starting out at 193.2 with a body fat % of 22.6. I'm hoping to lose 30 pounds over the next 3 months. The more weight I can lose before October the better since it would help with my marathons.

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