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* Next Race: 08/03/2013 - NJ Warrior Dash (Info)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Worst Race Ever!

Both the NJ Warrior Dash and the Southwest Cafe Margarita 5k were tough. The Warrior Dash has a mud pit at the end of it that was one of the hardest obstacles I've ever done at a obstacle race. People were actually getting stuck and couldn't move. I think I had over an inch of mud on my arms when I got out. I was lucky that my GF came with me to the 5k and helped to push me through with a somewhat respectable time. In between the races I took a nap because I was so tired.

The race this morning was a really bad idea. When I got to the race I tried to warm up a little and I could barely maintain a run. I knew this was gonna be a tough one. Of course I didn't realize how bad it would be. I could barely maintain a run for more than a few minutes. I ended up finishing 23 minutes slower than my time last year. I was happy that I finished though.

I am going to have to take a few days off. Tomorrow night was supposed to be a fun run but I think it'll just take pictures instead and get 2 days off. I have races wednesday, friday, 2 on saturday and another on sunday. I'll hopefully recover a bit before then.

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