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* Next Race: 08/03/2013 - NJ Warrior Dash (Info)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 2: Run / Plyo / Destruction

Day 1 went well besides being hungry around 3. My chest and arms are pretty sore from the workout yesterday.

Today is Plyo day and I also wanted to run. I knew getting up and doing both first thing in the morning would be tough so I decided to run in the morning and do Plyo at lunchtime. I'm part of a group of virtual runs related to the TV show LOST. I have finished the first 5 of the original 6 stations with only the 42k remaining. Recently they added another 4 runs to fit the remaining LOST stations. I took care of the 7th station this morning.

Holy cow, I forgot how hard P90x Plyometrics is. I felt pretty sick so I stopped for a break around 20 minutes. I may need to rethink the cardio portions of P90x since I run so much.

In non-diet/non-running news I signed the contracts for the lease for getting Solar Panels on my house. Should be another 2-3 months before they are actually installed but pretty excited about it.

Tonight I had to go help my friends destroy the big rock wall in front of their place. On the way I picked up a SodaStream for the house. I'll have to go into more detail about it once it's up and running. Anyway, once I got to my friends it was an intense 1:45 of moving rock from the wall into the dumpster. It was a crazy workout cause there were some really big & heavy rocks. Between this and P90x Chest & Back my muscles are sore. Hoping it won't affect me at the NJ Warrior Dash tomorrow.

Food diary for the day -

Big day of racing tomorrow with the NJ Warrior Dash in the morning and the Southwest Cafe Margarita Run 5k in the evening.

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