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* Next Race: 08/03/2013 - NJ Warrior Dash (Info)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

08/12/2012 - Warrior Dash NY

Race Date: Sunday August 12th, 2012
Race Name: Warrior Dash - New York
Race Price: $70.23
Race Description: Obstacle race up, down and across a mountain
Race Location: Windham Mountain, 33 Clarence D Lane Rd, Windham, NY 12496
Race Distance: 5k
Distance Traveled: 77.3 miles

Race Time: 11:30am
Weather: Mostly sunny, calm, temperatures in the upper 70's

Swag: Shirt, Fuzzy Warrior Helmet, Beer, Finisher Medal
Food & Drink: Water (There may have been other stuff but I didn't notice)
Number of Participants: 6497

My Results
Time: 41:12.15
Pace: 12:53
Place: 161 of 6497
Men (Age 30-49): 37 of 893

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Generic Tums
                Salt Stick Plus Pill
                Water + Gatorade + Chia Seeds

During-Run: N/A

Did not feel great when I got up and would have enjoyed sleeping more. Ate my oatmeal w/ protein powder. for breakfast. This race was pretty far away so had to leave pretty early to get to the race with my usual hour beforehand. I also knew some people who I thought were racing at 9:30 so I kinda wanted to see them at the finish.

Got near the event and had to park about .8 miles away from the actual event. There were buses but I figured I could warm up by jogging to the event. Got my bib/chip/swag and went to take some pictures around the event.
I was at the finish line when I saw the people I knew. Here's a shot of them after they finished.

Finally I went and checked my bag and headed to the start line. I was right up at the start line which was nice since there were supposedly 600 people per wave. A few others got there super early and chatted them up. It was a good 30 minute wait at the front of the line...probably where I got some of my sunburn.

The race started a few seconds short of 11:30 and immediately started heading up the mountain. I figured I'd be able to jog up it but I quickly realized I could walk faster than I was running and save some energy. The first third of the race was pretty much entirely uphill. The last third was pretty much entirely downhill...which was great and I felt pretty fast on the downhill. It always helps to pass tons of people who are walking. The course itself was extremely muddy on both the uphill and downhill sections. My shoes really helped to keep me stable and I never fell and probably only slipped a few times. I can't say enough good things about the Inov-8 shoes...check out my older blog for more details on them

Let's talk about the obstacles...overall they were easy. I didn't run into anything that I felt would even be a challenge. There were a few obstacles where I had to wait way too long especially when I'm going for a fast time. If you look at my picture above you'll see areas where my pace doesn't exist...this was all wasted time waiting to get onto an obstacle. I really need to start getting into the first waves at these events if I want my best time. I'm having a hard time even remembering the obstacles which isn't a great sign as that means they weren't memorable. Once you've been through a Spartan Race things just can't compare although I haven't done a Tough Mudder, yet. The fire jump was actually pretty impressive compared to other events I've been at. Looking forward to seeing pictures that were taken during the run.

The shirt / hat / finisher medal are all pretty nice and probably rank up as some of the best swag at an event. There were a ton of port-a-potties and they were being cleaned throughout the day. I didn't use the spray shower section, which you can see up above, but it appeared to work although cold. I didn't like that you had to buy tickets to purchase food / drinks but the line went quick. I got the giant turkey leg and water which was $10. The leg was pretty overcooked but tasted pretty good. The pulled pork sandwich looked good as well.

Finally I got really, really muddy and that was mainly from the last obstacle which was a mud pit. Up until that point I wasn't very dirty at all. It did give you a look like you just accomplished something. Saying that I did not feel the same sense of accomplishment that I do when I finish a Spartan Race. Of course I enjoyed myself and this was one of the first events where I knew some other people who were racing and it was nice to see them enjoying it.

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