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Saturday, August 11, 2012

08/11/2012 - Pawling Lakeside Park 5K

Race Date: Saturday August 11th, 2012
Race Name: Pawling Lakeside Park 5k
Race Price: $20
Race Description: The course winds through the scenic Lakeside Park.  It is a true cross country
course with over 80% of the race run on well marked trails.  Although relatively flat there is a challenging hill
located in the trails.
Race Location: Lakeside Park, Lakeside Drive, Pawling, NY
Race Distance: 5k
Distance Traveled: 24 miles

Race Time: 9:30am
Weather: Mostly sunny, humid, calm, temperatures in the upper 70's

Swag: Shirt
Food & Drink: Water | Juice | Oranges | Bananas | Chips | Cookies
Number of Participants: 62
Results: Handwritten on a piece of paper at race site

My Results
Time: 23:04
Pace: 7:25
Place: 17 of 62
Men (Age 30-49): 1 of ?
Prize: Trophy for first in Age Group

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Generic Tums
                Salt Stick Plus Pill
                Gu Mandarin Orange Gel
                Chia Seeds

During-Run: N/A

Woke up feeling pretty tired. Had a half-cup of quick cook oats with protein powder. I've started eating that recently and actually feel it's a pretty good breakfast. The course was about 50 minutes away on some back roads. It was a pleasant early morning drive.

Arrived at the race over an hour early. Only a few cars in the parking lots and couldn't tell where the registration was. Finally realized it was across a large field. I could tell this would be a very small event. Not much happening at registration. The 20 or so pre-registered people were all handwritten on a piece of paper. I had to fill out a card with my name, age and gender. I knew this was going to be a problem since it was warm and humid and paper doesn't hold up well in those conditions. Brought the shirt back to the car and headed out to get a feel for the course.

There was a printed out map and it looked somewhat confusing so I decided to check out what I could. I did go the wrong way at 1 point and had to go back and head the other direction. Right after was the big hill which appears to have risen about 150 feet in a short time. I knew this would be rough during the race. Immediately after was a steep downhill that was wet from all the rain. Other than that most of the race was run either on carriage paths or grassy paths.

The race itself started very unorganized with no real start line. Everyone just kinda lined up and took off when started. While I didn't really like it, it did help to fix the bottleneck that normally occurs at the beginning of a race. I didn't have to worry about getting stuck behind slow people really. The humidity made things tough and my heart rate seemed to be higher than usual for the speed I was running. I passed a few people while out running and only got passed by 2 during the race, one of which I passed towards the end of the race. Still had plenty left in the tank to sorta sprint to the finish to make sure no one passed me.

Also I noticed there were a lot of high school kids and not very many adults. I knew this would be good for my place and as a result I got first in the 30-49 age group. Besides the event I won this is the first I've come in 1st place in my age group. I need more races with no one in my age group. Overall this was a very small, community driven event that was nice as the course was challenging and different.

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