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Saturday, August 18, 2012

08/18/2012 - Run 4 Downtown Middletown

Race Date: Saturday August 18th, 2012
Race Name: Run 4 Downtown
Race Price: $20
Race Description: The Run 4 Downtown is a 4 mile run/walk in Historic Middletown NY. The course features a mix of suburban and urban neighborhoods and passes scenic SUNY Orange and the National Shrine of the Carmelite Friars. The R4DT is a challenge event - that is females will start before males (4 minutes and 21 seconds in 2012) and awards are given based upon order of finish!
Race Location: 17 North Street, Middletown, NY
Race Information: Created in 2006 by Dave and Anna Madden, owners of Something Sweet Cafe, with a desire to revitalize historic Middletown. The R4DT was born, a 4 Mile run every third Saturday in August. The R4DT is a philanthropic event - all proceeds benefit the Downtown Middletown community. Restoration of Post Office Park on North Street was made possible by the donations of past events.
Race Distance: 4 miles
Distance Traveled: 32.6 miles

Race Time: 9:00am
Weather: Sunny, calm, temperatures in the lower 70's

Swag: Long Sleeve Shirt | Travel Mug
Food & Drink: Water | Taste of the Town (Fine food from local independent restaurants)
Number of Participants: 280

My Results
Time: 27:53
Pace: 6:59
Place: 31 of 280
Men (Age 30-39): 9 of 30

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Tums
                 Salt Stick Plus Pill
                 Hammer Gel
                 Coconut Water w/ Chia Seeds

During-Run: N/A

    Did not feel like getting out of bed at 6:30. Did what I had to and ate some cherries and almonds to start the day. Headed out to the race around 7:15. These weekend morning races are always nice because there is never much traffic. Arrived in Middletown, parked and checked in around 8. Took some pictures around the area.

    Warmed up a bit and just walked around waiting for the race to start. They did things a little different at this race and had the walkers start 15 minutes before the women who started about 5 minutes before the men. I actually liked this as it reduced the clutter at the beginning of the race.
      Got a pretty good starting position behind the faster people. Only had to get past a few people in the beginning but overall got a good start. Looks like I had a sub-6 minute pace for the first couple minutes. I then settled into a nice pace for me. My legs actually felt pretty tired at the beginning of the race for the first couple miles. Luckily they warmed up and didn't cause any issues.
      My original goal was the come in under 30 minutes which would have meant I would have paced at 7:30 per mile. The first 2 miles I had an average pace of 6:47 so I decided that I needed to keep my sub-7 minute pace for the whole race. This really motivated me to keep moving and keep pushing myself. The 3rd mile was the hardest as there was a good incline. That caused my pace to drop to 7:13 for that mile and I knew I had to really make sure I kept pace on the last mile. The 4th mile came in at 6:55 and I had done it...barely! :)

      I hung around and enjoyed some of the food on offer. Had a hot dog, a meatball & a small gyro slice. Everything was really good and it was a nice deal to be able to taste all the food that was available. I probably should have taken more advantage of it but I knew I had to go meet some friends at The Hudson Valley Ribfest. Before I left I checked the results to make sure I hadn't won anything. I knew I didn't stand a chance of winning a age medal since this was part of the Hudson Valley Grand Prix which draws a lot of fast people. Always surprising when I finish, what I think, is well and end up so low in the age group. Oh well...I was definitely happy with how I ran and the event in general. Hope they continue to do it and keep working on revitalizing this area since it was a bit sketchy.

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