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Saturday, August 25, 2012

08/25/2012 - MudManX

Race Date: Saturday August 25th, 2012
Race Name: MudManX - New York
Race Price: $60
Race Description: Obstacle race through water, fields, and trails.

Race Location: Cousins Paintball - 380 Mt Airy Rd, New Windsor, NY
Race Information: Welcome to MudManX! A call to action that will reignite the primitive instincts for survival and test the organic strength of Man…A series of brutal obstacles encompassing the four primary elements:  Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Challenge Nature…Resist the Odds…Awaken the Spirits…Conquer the Elements!
Race Distance: 5k (There was no official distance but my watch said 3.06)
Distance Traveled: 16 miles

Race Time: 9:00am
Weather: Mostly sunny, calm, temperatures in the lower 70's

Swag: Shirt, Headband, Beer
Food & Drink: Water | Bananas
Number of Participants: 429

My Results
Time: 34:59.9
Pace: 11:16
Place: 161 of 6497
Men (Age 30-34): 5 of 61

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Generic Tums
                 Gu Roctane Cherry Line
                 Water + Gatorade + Chia Seeds

During-Run: Water

    Got to the race around 7:45 and there were no staff on the way in so didn't have to pay the normal $10 to park. Since I was in the first wave things were still getting set up when I went in. Got registered and took some pictures.
    I was really nervous for this cause there was an obstacle that had wires that hung down and hit you with electricity. I also noticed a lot of the walls didn't have any "help" and I knew this would cause me some problems as I don't have a lot of upper body strength. I warmed up a bit and got ready for the race.
    I was at the front of the pack at the start of the race and there were a bunch of good people right there with me. The first obstacle was through the water and I took the track more through the water which was a mistake since the water was a lot deeper than I expected it to be. Nothing like getting all wet right at the start of the race. The trails, which I've run before but not this exact route, seemed to be more trouble this time. I think I came close to twisting my ankle 3 or 4 times throughout the run.
    Like I mentioned earlier the obstacles themselves were pretty tough. The 2 walls that you had to climb over I used the supports on the side to help me get over. The final wall was slanted but still gave me a lot of trouble but I got over with a lot of effort. Luckily for me the "lightning" obstacle didn't get me. I don't know if it wasn't on or I just got lucky but I was happy to have not gotten shocked. The other obstacles weren't tough but some were tedious like the hurdles you can see in the picture above, there were just so many of them. They also had 4 times where you had to go up and down a hill and that was just tiring. The other obstacle I liked was they had floating balance beams. It wasn't a difficult obstacle but I just couldn't calm myself down so it took a lot longer to cross than it should have. I kept worrying I was going to fall in. Finally there was a kind of monkey bar obstacle with a straight metal bar that you had to climb across and then move to another one. I knew I wouldn't do well but I actually made it past half way before falling. Luckily this isn't a Spartan Race and I didn't have to do Burpees.
    Overall of the 5 events I've done at this location this was definitely the best of them. It was also the hardest of the races I've done here. I didn't stick around for too long after I finished so I can't say how the "after party" was. It definitely looked like more people were showing up and I'm sure it would have been lively. A couple issues that I did see...first, the staff was young and didn't really know what was going on. Second, there was no water available before the race which is not a good thing. Not sure if they remedied this as the day went on. Also the showers weren't hooked up when I went in to try to clean up. They were hooked up later as I was leaving. Not a huge deal as I don't normally clean up before I head home anyway.
    While not as good as a Spartan Race, or even the Warrior Dash, I hope this one sticks around and gets more attention moving forward. I look forward to trying it again next year.

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