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Monday, August 27, 2012

08/26/2012 - Storm King 10K

Race Date: Sunday August 26th, 2012
Race Name: Storm King Run
Race Price: $28
Race Description: 10K challenging run along the historic Hudson River. The race started at Washington Gate at West Point and finished at Donahue Memorial Park in Cornwall-on-Hudson.
Race Location: West Point's Washington Gate on NY-218
Race Information: Challenging 10K, 5K, and 1-Mile Kids Fun Run along the historic Hudson River. Proceeds benefit the Scholarship Fund of the West Point-Highland Falls Rotary Club.
Race Distance: 10 kilometers (6.2 miles)
Distance Traveled: 22 miles

Race Time: 9:15am
Weather: Sunny & Calm

Swag: T-Shirt & Bag
Food & Drink: Water | Fruit | Bagels | Protein Bars
Number of Participants: 146

My Results
Time: 43:57
Pace: 7:06
Place: 18 of 146
Men: 16 of 84
Men (Age 30-39): 4 of 32

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Tums
                 Salt Stick Plus Pill
                 Gatorade w/ Chia Seeds

During-Run: Water

    I was really excited for this race. I've always wanted to go to Storm King Mountain. I've looked at it from across the river while hiking but this was my first time getting there. I had a hard time figuring out where I needed to go. I use my gps normally but the race didn't provide an exact address. Luckily when I got close there were signs for the race so I made it there without incident.
    Arrived about an hour early like usual. Went and checked in and got my shirt and bag. Walked around and took a few pictures. There wasn't much to take pictures of at the start of the race.
    They had a DJ at the start of the race. I wish I had taken a picture or video cause he was really enjoying the music. I warmed up a bit and just hung around waiting for the race to start. The kids 1 mile race went out about 20 minutes before we got to run. There were actually a lot more people at the race than I expected. There were a lot of West Point Cadets since it was right at West Point.
    I was pretty close to the front for the start of the race. This was a gun start so wanted to be near the front to have the best time. I didn't want to get stuck behind anyone. The race started out with the first mile and a half all downhill. I felt bad for the 5K runners cause they had to turn around and go back up it.
    This was one of the few races where the start and end were in completely different areas. The race was on a road that went up and around Storm King Mountain. The uphill part was pretty tough and really dropped my pace but actually felt I did pretty good since I caught up to a few people. The second downhill felt really nice after the uphill.
    The final stretch was all flat down a road. When I first made the turn onto the road one of the guys who was in front of me was stretching out his leg. Felt bad for him but he actually kept up with me the rest of the run. We thought there was 1 last big uphill but turned out to be completely flat. Even knowing how flat it was I was losing steam but knowing the guy was right behind me kept me going. I sprinted the last few hundred yards to make sure I finished under 44 minutes.

    The finish was at a really nice park right on the waterfront. As I waited for the results I took some more pictures around the area.
    I actually ate 2 cinnamon raisin bagels after the race. They were delicious. :) I was slightly disappointed I came in 4th in my age group cause I really wanted a medal. Looking at my pace and heart rate I probably could have pushed harder throughout the race but this was my 4th day in a row of running and I didn't want to push it too hard. I really enjoyed this course though. It reminded me of the Palisades Half Marathon course. The views were amazing and it was well put together.

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