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Thursday, October 4, 2012

09/16/2012 - Dutchess County Classic Half Marathon

Race Date: Sunday September 16th, 2012
Race Name: 34th Annual Dutchess County Classic
Race Price: $32
Race Description: Loop, starts at Arlington High School on Dr. Fink Road, ends at the end of Stringham Road. Mostly flat. USATF certified. Miles marked. Water stations every 1.5 – 2 miles.
Race Location: Arlington High School, Lagrangeville, NY
Race Distance: Half Marathon (13.1 Miles)
Distance Traveled: 10.2 miles

Race Time: 8:30 am
Weather: Sunny & cool

Swag: T-Shirt, Bag, Gloves, Finisher Medal
Food & Drink: Water | Soda | Juice | Fruit | Chips | Yogurt
Number of Participants: 541

My Results
Time: 1:35:51.80
Pace: 7:20
Place: 64 of 541
Men (Age 30-34): 9 of 32

Personal Race Info
Pre-Run: 2 Tums
                Gatorade w/ Chia Seeds

During-Run: Water | Gatorade | Gel

    Probably one of the closest races I have done also the biggest race of the year for the Mid-Hudson Road Runners. Everyone was told to get to the race area as soon as possible since the traffic & parking were going to be issues. I actually got to the race 2 hours before the start time. While this seems like a huge amount of time I was able to take my time, get things settled and warm up proper. I had biked 45 miles the day before and was worried that may affect my performance somewhat. It was also really chilly this morning and I hoped it would warm up as it got closer to the race time. I had worn compression pants under my shorts to help with the cold but probably didn't need to.
    The race was well set up. They had flags set up for each 30 second interval to help people get in the proper area for the time they were shooting for. I set myself up in the middle of the 7 minute mile marker. I really liked this as it helps to alleviate the problem of slow runners being in front of you. Of course it also helps that they have timing at both the beginning and end. That way it doesn't matter if you are right at the front as your chip time is your real time.
    There were a few men at the race who I knew had similar racing times as me so I did my best to stick with them. The course wasn't too tough with a pretty nice downhill at the beginning. After the mid section there was some nice climbing and I remember at mile 9 feeling pretty exhausted after a uphill section. The first 6 miles were pretty fast for me actually keeping my 5k pace for them. The second half was clearly harder and my times slowed by about 10-20 seconds over the first half pace.
    As I headed towards the finish line I saw my parents on the sideline. This was the first time they've come out to one of my races and was nice to see them there. I was spent though and couldn't even muster enough energy to sprint to the finish. Luckily there wasn't anyone right on my heels at that point. I set a new personal record for a half though and I was very proud of that scratching almost 5 minutes off my previous PR.
    The finish line was a ways away from the finish line so the parents and I walked over and I got some refreshments and snacks. We waited around for the awards but sadly I didn't even come close to placing. It was nice though that they had small age groups for the awards and in most cases gave things to the top 5 people in each age group. Overall it was a awesome race and so well organized. I will definitely be back next year.

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